Cancer Magnitude in Elderly Indian Women, an Experience from Regional Cancer Centre, India_Crimson Publishers

Cancer Magnitude in Elderly Indian Women, an Experience from Regional Cancer Centre, India by Ravi Kiran Pothamsetty in Womens Health According to WHO, older or elderly population referred to age >60 years. The social life, economic stability and psycho-emotional domains were disturbed when an individual diagnosed with cancer The present study attempted to analyze the prevalence of cancer in elderly Indian women reported to Regional Cancer Centre, India and review the literature to have an insight of cancer trends in Indian scenario. The retrospective analytical study was carried out in Department of Radiation Oncology, RCC, Allahabad, India. The study included 2215 cases of elderly women of age >60 years from January 2013 to January 2016. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical package version 14. Quantitative data were presented as median and standard deviation. Qualitative data were expressed as frequency and percentages. The total number of cancer cases in...