
Showing posts from October, 2019

Endometrioid Borderline Tumor Related to Ovarian Endometriosis_Crimson Publishers

Endometrioid Borderline Tumor Related to Ovarian Endometriosis by  Anna Protasova in  Gynecology Research & Womens Health Endometrioid borderline tumor (EBT), also known as atypical proliferative endometrioid tumor, accounts for 0.2% of ovarian neoplasmas and 2-3% of borderline ovarian tumors. Very little is known about the prognosis and management of this entity. It is important to correctly diagnose these rare tumors in young women to assure proper treatment and to prevent mortality and preserve fertility. For more open access journals in Crimson publishers please click on the link For more articles in Gynecology Research & Womens Health please click on the link Follow On Publons  : Follow On Linkedin :

Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD-Cu T380a) Migration-A Case Report_Crimson Publishers

Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD-Cu T380a) Migration-A Case Report by  Subha Sivagami Sengodan in  Gynecology Research & Womens Health Background:  Though CU T was designed to prevent unwanted pregnancies, a number of complications are being reported. This may end up in asymptomatic course or present as an acute abdomen after migration into peritoneal cavity. Case:  Here we report a case of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD-CU T380A)migration into the abdominal cavity. An open approach was used and the intrauterine contraceptive device was retrieved. For more open access journals in Crimson publishers please click on the link For more articles in Gynecology Research & Womens Health please click on the link Follow On Publons  : Follow On Linkedin : https://ww

Infrared Thermography Appearance of Abdominal Wall Endometriosis: A Useful Tool for Diagnosis_Crimson Publishers

Infrared Thermography Appearance of Abdominal Wall Endometriosis: A Useful Tool for Diagnosis by Francisco das Chagas Medeiros in Gynecology Research & Womens Health Endometrioma is a well circumscribed mass of endometriosis that occurs when ectopic endometrial tissue (gland and stroma), which can respond to ovarian hormonal stimulation, grows outside the uterus [1]. Endometrioma in a surgical scar develops in 0.1% of women who have undergone cesarean section, and 25% of these women have concomitant pelvic endometriosis [2]. Its clinical diagnosis in the abdominal wall has been confused with abscess, lipoma, hematoma, sebaceous cyst, suture granuloma, inguinal hernia, incisional hernia, desmoid tumor, sarcoma, lymphoma, or primary and metastatic cancer [2,3]. The diagnosis of abdominal wall endometriomas is often confused with other surgical conditions. Endometriosis is rarely seen by general surgeons and is often diagnosed on histological examination postoperatively [3];

Importance of Hypoxia Index in FHR Monitoring _Crimson Publishers

Importance of Hypoxia Index in FHR Monitoring by Kazuo Maeda in Gynecology Research & Womens Health Aim: Numeric objective evaluation of FHR deceleration. Methods and results: Hypoxia index (HI) is the sum of deceleration duration (min) divided by the lowest FHR (bpm), and x 100. As the HI was 25 in a case of FHR decelerations followed by the loss of variability and cerebral palsy (CP), and the HI was 26 in a case of repeated late decelerations for 50 min with the loss of variability, Apgar 3, and brain damage, the HI below 25 at delivery would be safe, showing neither brain damage nor CP, namely, the HI of 3 connected lare decelerations was 6 and Apgar was 9, without CP. Also HI values of repeated abnormalities were 20-24 preserving the FHR variability, without brain damage. Conclusion: The late, early, mild and severe decelerations and sudden acute FHR bradycardia would not be followed neither by brain damage nor CP, when the variability is preserved , and

Crimson Publishers: Crimson Publishers High Impact Journals

Crimson Publishers: Crimson Publishers High Impact Journals : All our scientific journals are open access and constantly updated to keep the knowledge flowing. Our articles are also met with the...