Oral Condition in Pregnant Women with Various Types of Diabetes Mellitus_Crimson publishers

Oral Condition in Pregnant Women with Various Types of Diabetes Mellitus by Grinenko Eleonora in Gynecology Research & Womens Health Background: In literature much attention is paid to connection of oral diseases in pregnant women with diabetes, because the course of pregnancy in patients with diabetes can adversely affect both the intrauterine development of fetus, and state of mother. It is proved that the frequency of the carious process and inflammatory periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis) significantly increase during pregnancy, and diabetes mellitus is an additional adverse factor. Aim: To study and compare dental status of pregnant women with different types of diabetes mellitus and without it using basic and additional clinical research methods, as well as method of periodontal liquid cytology. https://crimsonpublishers.com/igrwh/fulltext/IGRWH.000521.php For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on th...