Rate of Different Types of Abortion in Madinah Maternity and Children Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia_ Crimson publishers

Rate of Different Types of Abortion in Madinah Maternity and Children Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia by Mohammad Othman in Womens Health Journal Abortion is the loss of the fetus before it is viable. It is one of the commonest complications of pregnancy , occurring in 12%-26% of pregnancies. Causes of abortion include chromosomal problems, infection, maternal chronic diseases, (for example diabetes), hormone problems, immune system responses, body mass index (BMI) issues of the mother, and uterine abnormalities. Abortion can be diagnosed and confirmed by pelvic examination and ultrasound . It is six types, and this is a retrospective study, which was carried out in Madinah Maternity and Children Hospital (MMCH), Madinah, Saudi Arabia, to find out the rate of different types of abortion in Madinah Maternity and Children Hospital (MMCH) in the year 2016. Results showed that abortion represents 95% of early bleeding patients of MMCH. The commonest type of abortion in...