Humanized GHR106 Monoclonal Antibody is a Biosimilar GnRH Antagonist_ Crimson Publishers

Humanized GHR106 Monoclonal Antibody is a Biosimilar GnRH Antagonist by Gregory Lee in Gynecology journal_ Open access journal of Gynecology

GHR106 is a monoclonal antibody generated against human GnRH receptor. The humanized forms of GHR106 exhibit almost identical biological properties to those of decapeptide GnRH antagonists such as Antide and Cetrorelix. The biosimilarity between these two GnRH receptor ligands was based on the studies of (1) binding affinity and specificity as well as immunohistochemical staining, (2) induced apoptosis to cancer cells and (3) effects of ligand- receptor bindings on gene regulations of cancer cells. Furthermore, the half-life of GHR106 antibody can be reduced from days to hours by means of antibody fragmentations to (Fab’)2 or Fab. The results of these biosimilar studies suggest that humanized GHR106 with IgG4 isotype can be utilized clinically with biosimilar functions as antibody-based GnRH antagonist except, with higher molecular size and longer half-life as compared to those of peptide GnRH antagonists (days vs. hours).

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