
Showing posts from December, 2020

Happy New Year

  New is the year, New are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and new are my warm wishes just for you. Have a hopeful and fulfilling new year.

Wishing you a Lovely and Wonderful Holiday.

May the special occasion of Christmas become merrier for you with good health and lots of smiles. Wishing you a Lovely and Wonderful Holiday.

The Pregnancy Microbiome: The Link Between Maternal Periodontitis and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Opinion_ Crimson Publishers

The Pregnancy Microbiome: The Link Between Maternal Periodontitis and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Opinion by  Irosha Rukmali Perera in Women health journal_ Gynecology Open access Journal The contagious environment of the oral cavity supports a complex microbial community. Accordingly, the oral cavity harbours the second most diverse microbial community in the body (being second only to the gut) with around 1000 species and many of them are uncultivated bacteria [1]. Humans depend on commensal bacteria for nutritive , immune modulation and maintaining health [2]. An array of physiological and pathological status such as the obesity and metabolic syndrome has been implicated for microbial changes in body sites termed as ‘dysbiosis’. Moreover, microbial changes could result in several body habitats such as the gut, oral cavity and vagina due to alterations in diet, environment, weight and hormones. Hence, significant microbial changes occur with regard to aforementioned body habitats...