The Pregnancy Microbiome: The Link Between Maternal Periodontitis and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Opinion_ Crimson Publishers
The Pregnancy Microbiome: The Link Between Maternal Periodontitis and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Opinion by Irosha Rukmali Perera in Women health journal_ Gynecology Open access Journal
The contagious environment of the oral cavity supports a complex microbial community. Accordingly, the oral cavity harbours the second most diverse microbial community in the body (being second only to the gut) with around 1000 species and many of them are uncultivated bacteria [1]. Humans depend on commensal bacteria for nutritive, immune modulation and maintaining health [2]. An array of physiological and pathological status such as the obesity and metabolic syndrome has been implicated for microbial changes in body sites termed as ‘dysbiosis’. Moreover, microbial changes could result in several body habitats such as the gut, oral cavity and vagina due to alterations in diet, environment, weight and hormones. Hence, significant microbial changes occur with regard to aforementioned body habitats as well as in placenta, during pregnancy which denotes a unique milestone in a woman’s life demonstrating weight gain, metabolic changes, endocrinal and immunological changes [3]. A growing body of research evidence substantiates the influential role of human microbiome, as characterized by next generation sequencing technologies in maternal and child health outcomes including preterm birth, cardio-metabolic complications of pregnancy such as preeclampsia and gestational weight gain [3]. Nevertheless, microbial changes occurring in pregnancy could be considered as a natural consequence of a healthy pregnancy as well [4]. However, it is not so with mothers’ poor oral health status which provides the possible link between maternal periodontitis and increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight, pre-term birth weight, pre-eclampsia [5-7]. This brief description provides some updated evidence-based insights in this regard.
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