Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis in Postpartum Period: A Case Report

A 24-year-old woman at 41 weak gestational age underwent epidural anesthesia and normal vaginal

delivery. After 7 days of delivery, patient referred to our hospital with severe headache, left paresthesia,

and tonic-clonic seizure. During this period, the patient suffered a headache that was attributed to the

epidural anesthetic. Radiologic assessments showed thrombosis at superior sagittal sinus. Cerebral

Sinus Venous Thrombosis (CSVT) is a rare disease. The annual incidence is estimated to be about 5 per

million, which is affected by age, sex, and areas. Pregnancy, postpartum, use of oral contraceptive and

abortions are major risk factors. It is difficult to diagnose the disease from eclampsia during pregnancy

and puerperium. Due to the high mortality rate of this disease, timely diagnosis and treatment should be

considered. Treatment with anticoagulants should be done immediately.

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