Health Challenges for Women during COVID-19

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is having potentially disastrous consequences for women’s and girls’ health around the world. Global health officials are struggling to keep the COVID-19 pandemic from wreaking havoc on women’s health. With domestic violence and maternal mortality expected to rise as women lose access to critical health treatments and social support. With children out of school, growing care needs for older people, and overburdened health services, unpaid care work has increased. Women make about 70% of the global health workforce and are more likely to work in front-line positions like nurses, midwives, and community health workers, in particular workers in the medical field. They also make up the majority of health-care workers, such as nurses and therapists. As such, they provide cleaning, laundry, and catering services are more likely to come into contact with the virus. All public health preparedness and response strategies for COVID-19 must account for both direct and indirect health effects on women and girls. This review highlights these challenges of women during the pandemic with an orientation to the policy makers to consider these while making policies for women.

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