
Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis in Postpartum Period: A Case Report

A 24-year-old woman at 41 weak gestational age underwent epidural anesthesia and normal vaginal delivery. After 7 days of delivery, patient referred to our hospital with severe headache, left paresthesia, and tonic-clonic seizure. During this period, the patient suffered a headache that was attributed to the epidural anesthetic. Radiologic assessments showed thrombosis at superior sagittal sinus. Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis (CSVT) is a rare disease. The annual incidence is estimated to be about 5 per million, which is affected by age, sex, and areas. Pregnancy, postpartum, use of oral contraceptive and abortions are major risk factors. It is difficult to diagnose the disease from eclampsia during pregnancy and puerperium. Due to the high mortality rate of this disease, timely diagnosis and treatment should be considered. Treatment with anticoagulants should be done immediately. Read More About This Article:

Combined Cervical Laceration and Bladder Rupture: A Case Report of an Unusual Complication of Precipitated Labor

Highlights   a) Bladder and cervical rupture should be considered, after precipitated vaginal delivery. b) When there is gross hematuria, a urinary catheter should be inserted to monitor the hematuria and urine output. c) If the hematuria persists and other associated symptoms appear, cystography is a useful tool for determining the severity of the bladder injury and determining the cause. Abstract   Cases of bladder rupture have been rarely reported following vaginal childbirth. To the best of our knowledge, however, no cases of combined cervical laceration and bladder rupture have been reported to date. We present the first case of a 31-year-old woman with gestational diabetes who suffered a combined cervical laceration and bladder rupture after childbirth. Precipitated labor caused by oxytocin induction resulted in vaginal and cervical lacerations. The bladder rupture was confirmed by cystography. A team of obstetricians and urologists performed the laparotomy. The patient was kep

Assessment of Fetal Weight Using Johnson’s Formula and Ultra sonographically and its Correlation with Actual Birth Weight

Introduction: The estimation of fetal weight is of paramount importance in the management of labor and delivery. The study was conducted to find usefulness of clinical estimation of fetal weight as it is useful for developing countries where ultrasonography facilities are unavailable in many areas. Aim: The study aimed at determining accuracy of fetal weight estimation clinically by Johnson’s formula and ultrasonographical by Hadlock’s method. Material & Methods: A descriptive study in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at a tertiary care hospital in western India was conducted between July 2017-June 2018 on pregnant patients with 37 to 40 weeks gestation after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The study group consists of 260 subjects from urban, rural settings and different socio-economic classes. There was positive correlation between actual birth weight and Johnson’s formula weight (R=0.533, P= 0.000) as well as between actual birth weight and esti

Health Challenges for Women during COVID-19

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is having potentially disastrous consequences for women’s and girls’ health around the world. Global health officials are struggling to keep the COVID-19 pandemic from wreaking havoc on women’s health. With domestic violence and maternal mortality expected to rise as women lose access to critical health treatments and social support. With children out of school, growing care needs for older people, and overburdened health services, unpaid care work has increased. Women make about 70% of the global health workforce and are more likely to work in front-line positions like nurses, midwives, and community health workers, in particular workers in the medical field. They also make up the majority of health-care workers, such as nurses and therapists. As such, they provide cleaning, laundry, and catering services are more likely to come into contact with the virus. All public health preparedness and response strategies for COVID-19 must account for both direc

Study of Quality Control in Central Sterile Supply Department of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

Hospital acquired infection or “nosocomial infection” adversely affects both patients and hospitals. Impact of nosocomial infections ranges from increased length of hospital stay, emotional stress, disability, death of the patients as well as increased hospital cost for the patients and providers. Studies in India have reported nosocomial infection rates from 8% to 58 %. To combat these infections, hospital needs effective methods of disinfection and sterilization which has nowadays been centralized into a single department called Central Sterile Supply Department. In our study Outcome was measures by two parameters: a) User Satisfaction b) Microbial count It was found that in user satisfaction 70% of user end staff are satisfied with the services provided to them. In microbial count of different items sterilized showed that 89 % samples are sterile whereas 11% samples show growth of three different organisms e.g. Coagulase-negative staphylococci, Klebsilla and Act. Baumannii.

Maternal Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis in Pregnancy, A Short Report

Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE) is life-threatening viral encephalitis in pregnancy that significantly associated with poor outcomes in mother and infant. A 22-year-old 25 weeks pregnant woman presented with fever and seizure that was suspected to HSE. At first, MRI and Lumbar Puncture (LP) helped in the diagnosis, and however the PCR test confirmed HSE. What is interesting about this case is that the patient had no positive history of HSV before her pregnancy. From her hospital stay to confirming the lab test, she developed progressively worsening despite treating with early administration of acyclovir. Finally, she was successfully treated. No physical or psychological consequences remained. Later, she delivered via cesarean section and gave birth to a healthy infant. As soon as the HSE is suspected in pregnancy, the onset of early antiviral therapy reduces physical and psychosocial consequences. Read More About This Article:

Development of a Textile Suture with Improved Properties

In any surgical procedure, a suture is considered crucial. In the case of post-operative are the wound closure related to surgical procedure continues to pose a problem. Presently, Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose (ORC) is being commonly used in the absorption of hemostatic materials. But ORC medical suture product is not commercially available. It has been aimed to produce innovative braided suture by TEMPO-mediated Oxidation Regenerated Cellulose (TORC) so as to obtain a suture material having and perfect in mechanical properties. A circular braiding machine has been used to produce sutures from regenerated cellulose strands. The braiding is followed by TEMPO-mediated oxidation treatment as an option. Various investigation techniques that include ATR-FTIR, electrical conductivity, XRD analysis, physical properties and in vitro degradation properties have been used to characterize the sutures under various oxidation time. It has been further shown that the RC sutures have been oxidized