Study of Endometrial Volume and Vascularity by 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound in Women with Perimenopausal Bleeding-Crimson publishers

Study of Endometrial Volume and Vascularity by 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound in Women with Perimenopausal Bleeding-Scholarly articles for women's health journal Crimson publishers

Study of Endometrial Volume and Vascularity by 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound in Women with Perimenopausal Bleeding by Ahmed Sherif* in Investigations in Gynecology Research & Womens Health

Introduction: Three Dimensional Power Doppler is a useful tool in studying endometrial vascularity. Aim: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of 3D - Power Doppler Angiography in the assessment of cases presented with abnormal uterine bleeding in the perimenopausal period and correlates it with histopathological examination of the performed endometrial biopsy to discriminate between benign and malignant endometrial lesions.
Design: Prospective controlled trial.
Methods: 100 patients presented with abnormal uterine bleeding were evaluated by 2 D ultrasound , 3 D power Doppler and had endometrial biopsy.
Results: Based on histopathological examination of endometrial tissue, patients of this study were represented in two main groups (A) Nonmalignant group: (94) and Malignant group: it contained 6 patients with endometrial carcinoma. In the comparisons between non-malignant and malignant group, there was high statistical significant difference (P<0.001) regarding endometrial thickness, endometrial resistive index, endometrial pulsatility index, endometrial volume, endometrial vascularization index, endometrial flow index and endometrial vascularization flow index. In the malignant group, malignancy correlate positively with endometrial thickness (P<0.001), endometrial resistive index (P<0.001), endometrial pulsatility index (P<0.001), endometrial volume (P<0.001), endometrial vascularization index (P<0.001), endometrial flow index (P<0.05) and endometrial vascularization flow index (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The detection of increased endometrial Doppler signals by 3D-PDA may be a possible new ultrasound marker in the diagnosis of endometrial malignancy.

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